The Grover E. Bell Award presented to NASA Ames Full Scale Aerodynamics Complex for their outstanding cooperative  research and development support at Forum 50 award ceremony.  Their representative Kip Edenborough (left) accepted the honor from Edward Renouard and Thomas Snyder.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

Bell Award to Full Scale Aerodynamics Complex


The Grover E. Bell Award presented to NASA Ames Full Scale Aerodynamics Complex for their outstanding cooperative research and development support at Forum 50 award ceremony. Their representative Kip Edenborough (left) accepted the honor from Edward Renouard and Thomas Snyder.

American Helicopter Society's 50th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 11-13, May 1994 at Washington D.C.

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Added to Forum 50, 1994 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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