Several-hundred ton structures today considered non-transportable can be airlifted, flown, and positioned directly in place at their operating sites by an air-lift system embodying four rotary-wing aircraft and an airship. The system, called the Helistat, has been proposed by Frank Piasecki, president of Piasecki Aircraft Corp, Philadelphia, and a former president of AHS. Helistat payload capacities of up to 280 tons have been designed, but no upper limit has been set on the combined helicopter and airship lift capacity.

From Vertiflite, March/April 1975

Piasecki Ultra-Heavyweight Lift System Joins Helicopter and Airship


Several-hundred ton structures today considered non-transportable can be airlifted, flown, and positioned directly in place at their operating sites by an air-lift system embodying four rotary-wing aircraft and an airship. The system, called the Helistat, has been proposed by Frank Piasecki, president of Piasecki Aircraft Corp, Philadelphia, and a former president of AHS. Helistat payload capacities of up to 280 tons have been designed, but no upper limit has been set on the combined helicopter and airship lift capacity.

From Vertiflite, March/April 1975

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