Boeing Vertol heavy-lift helicopter (HLH) cargo handling system integrated test rig, Philadelphia PA. Designed to handle test loads of up to 28 tons, the test rig included winches, pneumatic hoist drives, dual tension member suspension system, cargo couplings, and control and display systems to simulate heavy-lift helicopter integrated cargo systems. From Vertiflite, March/April 1974 (page 25).

Industry In Action: cargo handling system integrated test rig


Boeing Vertol heavy-lift helicopter (HLH) cargo handling system integrated test rig, Philadelphia PA. Designed to handle test loads of up to 28 tons, the test rig included winches, pneumatic hoist drives, dual tension member suspension system, cargo couplings, and control and display systems to simulate heavy-lift helicopter integrated cargo systems. From Vertiflite, March/April 1974 (page 25).

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