Senator Strom Thurmond (R - SC) ranking minority member of the Armed Service Committee, is shown during visit to Sikorsky plant in February 1974. Left to right are Sikorsky President Gerald J. Tobias, the Senator, UAC Group Vice President William E. Diefenderfer, and USMC Col. F.M. Kleppsattel, project manager for the YCH-53E. From Vertiflite, March/April 1974 (page 24).

Senator Strom Thurmond visits Sikorsky plant


Senator Strom Thurmond (R - SC) ranking minority member of the Armed Service Committee, is shown during visit to Sikorsky plant in February 1974. Left to right are Sikorsky President Gerald J. Tobias, the Senator, UAC Group Vice President William E. Diefenderfer, and USMC Col. F.M. Kleppsattel, project manager for the YCH-53E. From Vertiflite, March/April 1974 (page 24).

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