There were some new companies exhibiting for the first time at the Forum, which itself demonstrates expanding interest of the Society in VTOL affairs. Both the Lockheed-California Company with its interest in the XH-51 helicopter and the Lockheed-Georgia Company with its Hummingbird Project were newcomers. Ryan Aeronautical Company also exhibited for the first time, as well as Grimes Manufacturing company.

AHS' (now VFS) 19th Annual National Forum held 1-3, 1963 at Washington, D.C. USA

General View of Exhibit Area


There were some new companies exhibiting for the first time at the Forum, which itself demonstrates expanding interest of the Society in VTOL affairs. Both the Lockheed-California Company with its interest in the XH-51 helicopter and the Lockheed-Georgia Company with its Hummingbird Project were newcomers. Ryan Aeronautical Company also exhibited for the first time, as well as Grimes Manufacturing company.

AHS' (now VFS) 19th Annual National Forum held 1-3, 1963 at Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 19, 1963 and categorized in 1 year ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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