The Grover E. Bell Award presented to the Bell/NASA/US Army Multipoint Adaptive Vibration Suppression Systems (MAVSS) Team at annual Forum 57 awards, 2001, for their successful development and demonstration of the MAVSS controller on the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft. Accepting the award from Roger Krone, Society's chairman (left) is Richard L. Bennett, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. and Mark Nixon representing the NASA and the US Army.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA

Bell Award to MAVSS Team at Forum 57, 2001


The Grover E. Bell Award presented to the Bell/NASA/US Army Multipoint Adaptive Vibration Suppression Systems (MAVSS) Team at annual Forum 57 awards, 2001, for their successful development and demonstration of the MAVSS controller on the V-22 tiltrotor aircraft. Accepting the award from Roger Krone, Society's chairman (left) is Richard L. Bennett, Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. and Mark Nixon representing the NASA and the US Army.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA


Added to Forum 57 Awards 2001 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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