Boeing test cell mechanic and test engineer follow performance of 330 horsepower YT50-B0-10 gas turbine engine during major endurance run.  Engine is growth version of the Boeing T50 being produced as the power-plant for the USN QH-50C drone anti-submarine helicopter. The YT50 incorporates modified combustion system and new axial-centrifugal compressor. Other Boeing helicopter engines based on this design and developing more than 400 horsepower are being planned. Boeing photo. From Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) Mar 1963.

Boeing T50 undergoing test and analysis


Boeing test cell mechanic and test engineer follow performance of 330 horsepower YT50-B0-10 gas turbine engine during major endurance run. Engine is growth version of the Boeing T50 being produced as the power-plant for the USN QH-50C drone anti-submarine helicopter. The YT50 incorporates modified combustion system and new axial-centrifugal compressor. Other Boeing helicopter engines based on this design and developing more than 400 horsepower are being planned. Boeing photo. From Vertiflite (AHS Newsletter) Mar 1963.


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