Opener donated this, its first manned BlackFly V2 ultralight eVTOL demonstrator, to the EAA Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This aircraft, the 11th BlackFly V2, was the first to fly a human on board. See Vertiflite Sept/Oct 2019 for more details on AirVenture 2019. (VFS staff photo July 22, 2019. CC-BY-SA 4.0)

Opener BlackFly V2 at AirVenture 2019


Opener donated this, its first manned BlackFly V2 ultralight eVTOL demonstrator, to the EAA Museum in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. This aircraft, the 11th BlackFly V2, was the first to fly a human on board. See Vertiflite Sept/Oct 2019 for more details on AirVenture 2019. (VFS staff photo July 22, 2019. CC-BY-SA 4.0)


Added to Oshkosh 2019 and categorized in 5 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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