The Grover E. Bell Award is won by Bell's Electrically Distributed Anti-Torque (EDAT) Development Program for the year 2021. Bell’s EDAT is a distributed anti-torque thrust system, using an array of electric fans with fixed-pitch blades. This concept offers greater simplicity than conventional designs and has the potential to reduce helicopter noise.

VFS Annual Forum 77, 2021, Virtual

Bell's EDAT Development Program won Grover E. Bell Award 2021 at VFS Annual Forum 77 - Virtual


The Grover E. Bell Award is won by Bell's Electrically Distributed Anti-Torque (EDAT) Development Program for the year 2021. Bell’s EDAT is a distributed anti-torque thrust system, using an array of electric fans with fixed-pitch blades. This concept offers greater simplicity than conventional designs and has the potential to reduce helicopter noise.

VFS Annual Forum 77, 2021, Virtual


Added to Forum 77 Awards 2021 and categorized in 3 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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