From left to right: Glenn Isbell, EVP, Bell Helicopter; Dave Koopersmith, VP/GM, Boeing Vertical Lift; Jeff Holden, Chief Product Officer, Uber; Mike Hirschberg, Executive Director, AHS; Jean-Brice Dumont, EVP/CTO Airbus Helicopters; and Daniele Romiti, Managing Director, Leonardo Helicopters. (Not shown, Mark Miller, VP, Engineering at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company, who was awarded the AHS Honorary Fellowship.) Photo taken at the 73rd Annual Grand Awards Banquet, May 10, 2017. (AHS Photo by Mark Upchurch)
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VTOL Execs at Forum 73 Banquet


From left to right: Glenn Isbell, EVP, Bell Helicopter; Dave Koopersmith, VP/GM, Boeing Vertical Lift; Jeff Holden, Chief Product Officer, Uber; Mike Hirschberg, Executive Director, AHS; Jean-Brice Dumont, EVP/CTO Airbus Helicopters; and Daniele Romiti, Managing Director, Leonardo Helicopters. (Not shown, Mark Miller, VP, Engineering at Sikorsky, a Lockheed Martin Company, who was awarded the AHS Honorary Fellowship.) Photo taken at the 73rd Annual Grand Awards Banquet, May 10, 2017. (AHS Photo by Mark Upchurch)


Added to Forum 73 Awards and categorized in 7 years ago


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