One day before the Forum began, the Society sponsored a 5 kilometer race that benefitted the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) programs at St. Louis University Hospital and Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. Several Forum attendees entered the race. The overall winners (male and female divisions) were given a helicopter (in photo) ride over St. Louis, courtesy of St. Louis Helicopters. It was the first time either had been up in a helicopter and they enjoyed it a great deal.

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

Ride for 5 Kilometer race-winners


One day before the Forum began, the Society sponsored a 5 kilometer race that benefitted the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) programs at St. Louis University Hospital and Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital. Several Forum attendees entered the race. The overall winners (male and female divisions) were given a helicopter (in photo) ride over St. Louis, courtesy of St. Louis Helicopters. It was the first time either had been up in a helicopter and they enjoyed it a great deal.

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

Image source


Added to Forum 39, 1983 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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