H. Ross Perot, Jr. (second from left) and Jay W. Coburn (second from right) receive the Igor I. Sikorsky International Trophy from Joe Mallen (left) and Fred Smith. The Sikorsky Trophy is presented in recognition of an official helicopter world's record. Perot and Coburn were honored in recognition of their completion of the first ever around the world helicopter flight, which demonstrated their courage and skill as pilots and the durability and versatility of the helicopter.

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

Igor Sikorsky Trophy winning pilots - Perot and Coburn


H. Ross Perot, Jr. (second from left) and Jay W. Coburn (second from right) receive the Igor I. Sikorsky International Trophy from Joe Mallen (left) and Fred Smith. The Sikorsky Trophy is presented in recognition of an official helicopter world's record. Perot and Coburn were honored in recognition of their completion of the first ever around the world helicopter flight, which demonstrated their courage and skill as pilots and the durability and versatility of the helicopter.

AHS' (now VFS) 39th Annual Forum and Technology Display held May 9-11, 1983 at St. Louise, Missouri, USA

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Added to Forum 39, 1983 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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