For Immediate Release

From: The Quantacolor Col, Inc.

"This white painted 31" scale model of the Vertol H-44 Helicopter was the first step in the development of the New York Airways' color scheme by the Quantacolor Co., color consultants to the airline. Working from this and blue prints, the color design was developed according to precise methods to achieve results desired."

Paul Blacker photo

31" scale model New York Airways' color scheme


For Immediate Release

From: The Quantacolor Col, Inc.

"This white painted 31" scale model of the Vertol H-44 Helicopter was the first step in the development of the New York Airways' color scheme by the Quantacolor Co., color consultants to the airline. Working from this and blue prints, the color design was developed according to precise methods to achieve results desired."

Paul Blacker photo


Added to New York Airways (Histori... and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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