The crew of a U.S. Air Force Kaman HH-43B Huskie (s/n 60-289) practicing Local Base Rescue/Firefighting in the 1960s. The downwash air from the rotors opened a path for rescuers to spray foam from the red and white fire suppression kit in the lower right. U.S. Air Force photo courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Source:

Kaman K-600-3 (HH-43B Huskie)


The crew of a U.S. Air Force Kaman HH-43B Huskie (s/n 60-289) practicing Local Base Rescue/Firefighting in the 1960s. The downwash air from the rotors opened a path for rescuers to spray foam from the red and white fire suppression kit in the lower right. U.S. Air Force photo courtesy of the National Museum of the U.S. Air Force. Source:

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