The Harry T. Jensen Award recipient for this year at Forum 57, 2001 was the NRTC/RITA Crash Safety & Navy Water Impact SBIR Teams consisting of the Bell Helicopters Textron Inc., The Boeing Company, Sikorsky Aircraft, Simula, Dynamic Response, Inc., NAVAIR, Army - Yuma Proving Ground and the FAA. This team made significant contributions to improving helicopter crash safety for the soft soil and water impact scenarios that constitute 80 percent of helicopter crashes.

Accepting the award and certificates (from left to right) are Dr. Ashish Sareen, Michael R. Smith, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc, Dr. Lance C. Lubin, Steve Smith, Simula, Dr. Akif Bolukbasi, The Boeing Co., Gil Witlin, Dynamic Response, Dr. Joseph Y. C. Shen, Charles W. Clark, Carey Walters, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Michael T. Schultz, Naval Warfare Center, and Eric Bries, Dy Lee, FAA.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA

Jensen Award to NRTC/RITA Crash Safety & Navy Water Impact SBIR Teams at Forum 57, 2001


The Harry T. Jensen Award recipient for this year at Forum 57, 2001 was the NRTC/RITA Crash Safety & Navy Water Impact SBIR Teams consisting of the Bell Helicopters Textron Inc., The Boeing Company, Sikorsky Aircraft, Simula, Dynamic Response, Inc., NAVAIR, Army - Yuma Proving Ground and the FAA. This team made significant contributions to improving helicopter crash safety for the soft soil and water impact scenarios that constitute 80 percent of helicopter crashes.

Accepting the award and certificates (from left to right) are Dr. Ashish Sareen, Michael R. Smith, Bell Helicopter Textron Inc, Dr. Lance C. Lubin, Steve Smith, Simula, Dr. Akif Bolukbasi, The Boeing Co., Gil Witlin, Dynamic Response, Dr. Joseph Y. C. Shen, Charles W. Clark, Carey Walters, Sikorsky Aircraft Corp., Michael T. Schultz, Naval Warfare Center, and Eric Bries, Dy Lee, FAA.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA

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Added to Forum 57 Awards 2001 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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