The Robert L. Lichten award for the year 2001 at AHS Annual Forum 57 presented to Marc Gervais, University of Maryland, for his paper titled, "Tiltrotor Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise Control Through Non-Unique Longitudinal Forum Trim." Interestingly, Marc Gervais went on to win the AHS Forum Best Paper Award as well for this paper.

In photo, Marc Gervais accepts the award from the Society's President John Murphey and Marc W. Sheffler, AHS Technical Director.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA

Lichten Award to Marc Gervais from UMD at Forum 57, 2001


The Robert L. Lichten award for the year 2001 at AHS Annual Forum 57 presented to Marc Gervais, University of Maryland, for his paper titled, "Tiltrotor Blade-Vortex Interaction Noise Control Through Non-Unique Longitudinal Forum Trim." Interestingly, Marc Gervais went on to win the AHS Forum Best Paper Award as well for this paper.

In photo, Marc Gervais accepts the award from the Society's President John Murphey and Marc W. Sheffler, AHS Technical Director.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA


Added to Forum 57 Awards 2001 and categorized in 2 years ago


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