The Robert L. Pinckney Award presented to the Bell-Agusta 609 Wing Torque Integrated Product Team at AHS annual Forum 57, 2001. Ken Nunn of Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. accepted the award from the Society Chairman Roger Krone.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA

The Robert L. Pinckney Award won by Bell-Agusta Team at Forum 57, 2001


The Robert L. Pinckney Award presented to the Bell-Agusta 609 Wing Torque Integrated Product Team at AHS annual Forum 57, 2001. Ken Nunn of Bell Helicopter Textron, Inc. accepted the award from the Society Chairman Roger Krone.

Forum 57, May 9-11, 2001, Washington, D.C. USA


Added to Forum 57 Awards 2001 and categorized in 2 years ago


License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike


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