The Dr. Alexander Klemin Award presented to Raymond W. Prouty at AHS annual Forum 56, 2000. The chairman of the Society Dean Borgman, right, salutes Raymond W. Prouty for his long and distinguished career as an engineer, technical author and consultant.

Forum 56, May 2-4, 2000, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Klemin Award to Raymond W. Prouty at Forum 56, 2000


The Dr. Alexander Klemin Award presented to Raymond W. Prouty at AHS annual Forum 56, 2000. The chairman of the Society Dean Borgman, right, salutes Raymond W. Prouty for his long and distinguished career as an engineer, technical author and consultant.

Forum 56, May 2-4, 2000, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA


Added to Forum 56 Awards 2000 and categorized in 2 years ago


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