The Robert L. Lichten Award for the year 2000 presented at annual Forum 56 to Craig Fuehne, a graduate student at Washington University of St. Louis. In photo, Fuehne, left, accepts his award from Walter Sonneborn, AHS Technical Director. Fuehne's paper entitled "Application of Generalized Floquet Theory to Ground Resonance Data."

Forum 56, May 2-4, 2000, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA

Lichten Award to Craig Fuehne at Forum 56, 2000


The Robert L. Lichten Award for the year 2000 presented at annual Forum 56 to Craig Fuehne, a graduate student at Washington University of St. Louis. In photo, Fuehne, left, accepts his award from Walter Sonneborn, AHS Technical Director. Fuehne's paper entitled "Application of Generalized Floquet Theory to Ground Resonance Data."

Forum 56, May 2-4, 2000, Virginia Beach, Virginia USA


Added to Forum 56 Awards 2000 and categorized in 2 years ago


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