A Boeing CH-47C Chinook lifts a downed Canberra bomber during a demonstration tour that began with liftoff on June 14, 1975 from Boeing Vertol's manufacturing facility in suburban Philadelphia. The tour took the Chinook via the Caribbean to Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It returned to Philadelphia in late August. From Vertiflite, September/October 1975 (page 14).

CH-47C Chinook transporting Canberra bomber


A Boeing CH-47C Chinook lifts a downed Canberra bomber during a demonstration tour that began with liftoff on June 14, 1975 from Boeing Vertol's manufacturing facility in suburban Philadelphia. The tour took the Chinook via the Caribbean to Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Brazil. It returned to Philadelphia in late August. From Vertiflite, September/October 1975 (page 14).

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